
This is an online documentation for some of the software packages in the druglogics GitHub organisation. It’s created using the bookdown package (Xie 2016). The following packages are fully documented in this manual:

Other DrugLogics-related packages (documented in their respective repositories) are:

  • druglogics-synergy
    A small package which runs sequentially Gitsbe and then Drabme, to make it easier for users to execute/test the two pipeline packages in one go.
  • druglogics-roc
    R shiny app that was built to use the results from Drabme’s ensemble-wise synergies output file and produce a ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) and a PR (Precision-Recall) curve in order to assess the performance of Drabme’s synergy classifier/predictor.
  • abmlog
    A generator of all possible boolean models with AND/OR-NOT link operators.
  • emba