
For a list of options that are common between Gitsbe and Drabme see General and Attractor Tool options. We only include here the configuration options that can be used by Drabme alone:

  • max_drug_comb_size. Example value: \(2\).

    This option creates all combinations of drugs from the drug panel file up to and including the given size. This option is only used when there is no perturbations file given by the user.

    If for example there are 3 drugs in the panel: A,B,C and max_drug_comb_size: 3 then the following drug perturbations are created (note that the order of the drugs is preserved in the higher-order combinations):

    A B
    A C
    B C
    A B C

  • synergy_method. Possible values: hsa or bliss.

    This option indicates which method we should use for the calculation of synergies both model-wise and ensemble-wise. Using bliss, less synergies are predicted in general. For more info, see Description.