
Main question: is there a relation between random models stable state number and their performance as measured by AUC PR (Precision-Recall) or AUC ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic)?

This investigation can be considered as an extension of the random model ROC and PR curves (for CASCADE 2.0, link operator mutations) I created for the AGS paper (see version tagged v1.0 which included the abmlog-generated random model analysis here). In that analysis, I generated a \(3000\) random model sample, and took only the models that had 1 stable state to compute their ROC performance. So maybe I needed to generate more models or bootstrap (re-sample) these models to get a better picture of what is going on and that’s what I am trying to do here :)


The random link-operator mutated models were generated from the CASCADE 2.0 topology, using the abmlog software, version 1.6.0. Their prediction performance was assessed by the Drabme software module, via the druglogics-synergy Java module, version 1.2.0.

I run the following command to get the random models from the abmlog repo root (took ~165 min to generate all \(50000\) models):

java -cp target/abmlog-1.6.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar eu.druglogics.abmlog.RandomBooleanModelGenerator --file=test/cascade_2_0.sif --num=50000

I splitted the models to 3 groups: those that have no 1 stable state, 2 stable states or none at all. There was only 1 model in \(50000\) (cascade_2_0_418669279901714.gitsbe) that had 3 stable states and so we will not take into account models with more than 2 stable states (very rare and almost impossible to be chosen via Gitsbe since it indirectly penalizes models with more than 1 attractors). The distribution of models in each category were (use the script):

#Stable states #Models Percentage
0 29027 58%
1 20672 41%
2 300 1%
3 1 less than 0.01%

From the ags_cascade_2.0 directory of the druglogics-synergy module I ran the script. This script bootstraps \(50\) models (\(20\) times in total) from each category and runs the Drabme with those. So bootstrapping \(50\) models \(\times \text{ }20\) times with 0 stable states, \(50\) models \(\times \text{ }20\) times with 1 stable state, etc. We also try all pair-wise combinations: {(\(25\) models with 0 stable states) + (\(25\) models with 1 stable state)} \(\times\text{ }20\) times, etc. Lastly, we merge all of the different stable state models together in a pool of \(25\times3=75\) models (again bootstrapping \(20\) such samples).

The generated random models and the results of the Drabme simulations are stored in DOI




Note that data_dir in the next code-block is the directory where you uncompress the Zenodo dataset file (tar -xzvf boot_random_ss.tar.gz). The ss_class denotes the model group. E.g. ss0 is the group with models with zero stable state, ss12 is the group with half the models having 1 stable state and half of the others having 2 stable states, etc.

observed_synergies_file = "data/observed_synergies_cascade_2.0"
observed_synergies = emba::get_observed_synergies(observed_synergies_file)

data_dir = "/home/john/tmp/ags_paper_res/link-only/hsa/bootstrap_random_ss"
res_dirs = list.files(data_dir, full.names = TRUE)

data_list = list()
index = 1
for (dir in res_dirs) {
  if (stringr::str_detect(string = dir, pattern = "cascade_2.0_random_hsa_ss")) {
    # How many stable states the models had?
    ss_class = str_match(string = dir, pattern = "_(ss\\d+)_")[1,2]
    # Get the ensemble-wise synergies
    ew_syn_file = list.files(path = dir, pattern = "", full.names = TRUE)
    ew_synergies = emba::get_synergy_scores(ew_syn_file)
    observed = sapply(ew_synergies$perturbation %in% observed_synergies, as.integer)
    # ROC AUC (Ensemble-wise)
    ew_roc = roc.curve(scores.class0 = ew_synergies %>% pull(score) %>% (function(x) {-x}), 
      weights.class0 = observed)
    ew_roc_auc = ew_roc$auc
    # PR AUC (Ensemble-wise)
    ew_pr = pr.curve(scores.class0 = ew_synergies %>% pull(score) %>% (function(x) {-x}), 
  weights.class0 = observed)
    ew_pr_auc = ew_pr$auc.davis.goadrich
    # Get the model-wise synergies
    mw_syn_file = list.files(path = dir, pattern = "", full.names = TRUE)
    mw_synergies = emba::get_synergy_scores(mw_syn_file, file_type = "modelwise")
    mw_synergies = mw_synergies %>% 
      mutate(synergy_prob = case_when(
        synergies == 0 & `non-synergies` == 0 ~ 0, 
        TRUE ~ synergies/(synergies + `non-synergies`)))
    # ROC AUC (Model-wise)
    mw_roc = roc.curve(scores.class0 = mw_synergies %>% pull(synergy_prob), weights.class0 = observed)
    mw_roc_auc = mw_roc$auc
    # PR AUC (Model-wise)
    mw_pr = pr.curve(scores.class0 = mw_synergies %>% pull(synergy_prob), weights.class0 = observed)
    mw_pr_auc = mw_pr$auc.davis.goadrich
    # Merge results
    data_list[[index]] = dplyr::bind_cols(ss_class = ss_class, 
      roc_auc = ew_roc_auc, pr_auc = ew_pr_auc, method = "ensemble-wise")
    index = index + 1
    data_list[[index]] = dplyr::bind_cols(ss_class = ss_class, 
      roc_auc = mw_roc_auc, pr_auc = mw_pr_auc, method = "model-wise")
    index = index + 1

res = dplyr::bind_rows(data_list)

saveRDS(res, file = "data/res.rds")

We will just load the result for efficiency:

res = readRDS(file = "data/res.rds")

Ensemble-wise Synergies

my_comparisons = list(c("ss0", "ss1"), c("ss0", "ss2"), c("ss1", "ss2"), 
  c("ss0", "ss01"), c("ss1", "ss01"), c("ss2", "ss02"), c("ss01", "ss012"),  c("ss12", "ss012"))
ggboxplot(data = res %>% filter(method == "ensemble-wise"), 
  x = "ss_class", y = "roc_auc", fill = "ss_class",
  xlab = "Random Model Group (#Stable States)", ylab = "ROC AUC",
  order = c("ss0", "ss1", "ss2", "ss01", "ss02", "ss12", "ss012")) + 
  stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, method = "wilcox.test", label = "p.signif")

ggboxplot(data = res %>% filter(method == "ensemble-wise"),
  x = "ss_class", y = "pr_auc", fill = "ss_class", 
  xlab = "Random Model Group (#Stable States)", ylab = "PR AUC",
  order = c("ss0", "ss1", "ss2", "ss01", "ss02", "ss12", "ss012")) +
  stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, method = "wilcox.test", label = "p.signif")

  • ROC AUC results are somewhat analogous to the PR AUC results
  • Getting a complete random sample of models with 1 stable state is enough to give you a valid ROC AUC (average AUC: 0.659212) - the ss1 group is one of the highest-performing groups
  • Getting a decent random sample (keeping true to the models proportions as seeing in the table above) means being close to what the class ss01 represents. The class ss01 is 50-50 and a genuine decent random sample would be ~60-40 (60% models with 0 stable states and 40% models with 1 stable state), but we see that the 0 stable state models do not add AUC points (if I am allowed such terminology :) to any group that they are combined with!
  • Continuing, the ss01 group is indistiguisable performance-wise from the ss1 group - meaning that using just the \(1\) stable state models as a random sample for this topology (CASCADE 2.0) is a good enough choice!

Model-wise Synergies

ggboxplot(data = res %>% filter(method == "model-wise"),
  x = "ss_class", y = "roc_auc", fill = "ss_class",
  xlab = "Random Model Group (#Stable States)", ylab = "ROC AUC",
  order = c("ss0", "ss1", "ss2", "ss01", "ss02", "ss12", "ss012")) +
  stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, method = "wilcox.test", label = "p.signif")

ggboxplot(data = res %>% filter(method == "model-wise"),
  x = "ss_class", y = "pr_auc", fill = "ss_class",
  xlab = "Random Model Group (#Stable States)", ylab = "PR AUC",
  order = c("ss0", "ss1", "ss2", "ss01", "ss02", "ss12", "ss012")) + 
  stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, method = "wilcox.test", label = "p.signif")

  • Same results as above. Note that the model-wise methodology (used to calculate the synergy scores) seems to be more granular: it’s easier to distinguish the different categories performance using this methodology.

R session info

R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

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